قالب وردپرس
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مقالات منتشر شده در نشریات خارجی
- AbdolHossein Sadrnia, Hossein Nezamabadi-pour, Napsiah Ismail, , Mehrdad Nikbakht “Gravitational Search Algorithm Approach for Optimizing Closed-Loop Logistics Network ”in Meta-Heuristics Optimization Algorithms in Engineering, Business, Economics, and Finance (Chapter Book), 2011, IGI Global.
- Sadrnia, A., Ismail, N., Zulkifli, N., Ariffin, M. K. A., Nezamabadi-pour, H., & Mirabi, H. (2013). A Multiobjective Optimization Model in Automotive Supply Chain Networks. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013, 10.
- Abdolhossein Sadrnia, Hamid Reza Soltania, Norzima Zulkiflia , Napsiah Ismaila, & Ariffin, M. K. A. (2013). A Review of Nature-Based Algorithms Applications in Green Supply Chain Problems. International Journal of Engineering and Technology.
- Sadrnia, A., Ismail, N., Zulkifli, N., & Ariffin, M. K. A. (2013). Reverse logistics necessity, modeling methods and solution technique; a servay. International Journal Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer. (correction)
- Sadrnia, A., N.Ismail, Ariffin, M. K. A., Zulkifli, N., & Boyer, O. (2013). Reverse logistics network optimizing by genetic algorithm: a case study of automotive wiring harnesses. Applied Mechanics and Materials.
- Nikbakht, M., Zulkifli, N., Ismail, N., Sulaiman, S., Sadrnia, A., & Suleiman, M. (2012). Multi-echelon supply chain design in natural gas industry. World Applied Sciences Journal 20 (1), 54-63.
- Recovering lead, plastic and sulfuric acid from automobile spent … Progress in Industrial Ecology, An Int. J .
- A review of different types of DOE methods as useful platform for improving performance of Nano adsorbents in removal systems of pollutants Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia
- Surface amplification of pencil graphite electrode with polypyrrole and reduced graphene oxide for fabrication of a guanine/adenine DNA based electrochemical
- biosensors for determination of didanosine anticancer Applied Surface Science
- Logistics Network design to reuse second hand appliances for charity centers Cleaner Production